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                      Peter B Schilling Photography

                            Jacksonville, Florida





When one slows down and begins living more in the present moment, opportunities open up to notice and spend time with the inner landscapes of the world. For the last few years I have been focused on taking photographs of flowers, mostly with a macro lens, which has allowed me to get close, detailed views of them. Once this happens, one can see their incredible forms, geometric patterns, textures and colors. I spend a lot of time observing flowers across their individual lifespans as well as across various conditions of light, times of day, and seasons. I try to make images that document their beauty. I sometimes take more risks, creatively adjusting their backgrounds and movements to make bokeh and more abstract presentations. Some of them turn out well, while others not so much. Please stay with me when the not so much happens. I hope you enjoy my flower images. If you are moved by any of them, want to comment, or have questions, please feel free to email me.


Nearly all of these flowers were found in small, local garden stores, semi-hidden botanical gardens, and my backyard, which is an ongoing , chaotic botany experiment.


Lately I have become interested in the macro photography of freight train cars that are rusted, banged up and full of dripped grafitti. I was struck by how some of these results are closely representative of the abstact art of the 20th century. I have presented some of these images here. 


I have always been drawn towards the dynamic energy of what happens in the streets. I am interested in tightly framed portraits, capturing the way people dress and move across these landscapes, and also documenting the artistic performances that happen there. 


My photographs of Chinese street people were taken with a point and shoot travel camera. They show that many social issues transcend different cultures and countries.





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